RV Travel, A key to Economic Recovery
Article Update June 7, 2020
Extreme measures were being taken in the interests of crisis control and preserving important hospital capacity. Most, if not all, US States mandated “stay-in-place, stay safe at home” practices. All but essential businesses and organizations were asked to close or greatly restrict their services.
But now, thankfully things are beginning to open up and RVing is getting a big boost in interest.
Travel & Hospitality Enterprises Suffering Greatly
The necessary guidelines and restrictions placed a huge economic burden on many individuals, families, and businesses. Perhaps the businesses and people most hurt are those in the travel and hospitality sectors.
Even when progress has been made overcoming the crisis and stay-at-home and travel restrictions are beginning to soften up, I expect travel by air, ship, and rail to continue to be problematic as these means tend to involve being confined with hundreds of other people in close contact.
Restaurants and venues that normally involve larger groups of people more closely interacting, whenever they do open on a limited basis for customers, will be operating differently and certainly at a reduced volume of business to help ensure there are no rebounds of the viral disease.
The economic rebound will be most difficult for these transportation-travel enterprises and all the related hospitality businesses who benefit from travelers.
Rvs and Rving can lead the economic recovery
There is one means of travel that will allow people as much “stay safe” isolation and high level of sanitation as staying “put” in your own home. That travel option is in an RV, your “home on wheels.” For the most part you are self-contained with all the comforts of your regular home. Your needs for special assistance are few and infrequent. For most Rvers, the basic needs are a place to park, occasional gasoline, and periodically a place to empty your septic tanks and refill your water reservoir. All of these chores can be performed without social contact with others.
Some RV’s will require or desire an electric hookup, most likely at a campground, and that could involve some direct human contact, but ever so briefly. And many campgrounds are or will offer self-pay systems or online payment gateways that allow the transaction of securing a campsite without or with very minimal direct interaction with another person.
Recent reports from the RV Industry suggest that indeed our forecast, initially made more than a month ago, for RVing and Economic Recovery are bearing out.
Rving offers important Physical Exercise and Mental Therapy
The RV facilitates access to more remote locales and parks that offer hiking, biking, canoeing/kayaking,and other recreation that gets a person outside in the fresh air and sunshine for healthy exercise and a change of scenery that is a refreshing change from the necessary hum-drum of closeted existence of the “stay safe at home” mandates. The RV with the aid of a cell phone will allow Rvers to travel to new and interesting places and sample the local cuisine of restaurants and cafes that are offering sanitary carryout services that minimize direct contact.

When to Re-open Campgrounds, and camping at State & National Parks
As of June 7th, many previously closed public and private campgrounds are opening up, some with reduced supportive facilities. Campgrounds are using intelligent and creative solutions to the need to protect visitors and guests. Opening up campgrounds and RV sites will be one of the most feasible, earliest and safest way to help re-start the economy.
The Best Time to try Rving – Perhaps Soon
If you already own an RV I am preaching to the choir. Like us you are looking forward to being able to escape somewhere in your home on wheels, get out of confinement, change your scenery and begin a return to normal.
But if you don’t own an RV now is a good time to explore the life style. I would expect RV dealers, who will have been hurt like other businesses by the shutdowns, to offer some attractive packages for renting – – – or purchasing an RV.
Links for RVers Traveling Soon
- State Listings of Camping Closures & Openings
- National Park System Status reports
- Free Camping Listings – By State
Ross Reinhold, homebound traveler and RV explorer